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Communication, Fatigue, Injections, Intimacy, Pain, Psychosocial, Sexuality, Support Groups
Alexandra Andrews

RC262.C36 - Pain Issues
RC262.F3 - Fatigue Issues
RC262.P7 - Psychosocial Support Issues
RC262.S25 - Sexuality, Intimacy and Communications Issues

RC262.C36 Cancer Pain Issues
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RC262.C36.L214.1 - Pain Medication at Home
Lizabeth Light, BSN, Isadora Rosenbaum, MA, Eugenie Marek, RN and Ernest Rosenbaum, MD
Chronic or Acute Pain is a very complex event in the body. It is caused by a mixture of emotional and physical factors - often made worse by tiredness. Patients with severe pain may be able to be comfortable because they have worked out a good schedule for their medications and either handle it themselves or have a dependable person who can administer them.
First appeared 2008-06-26;
RC262.C36.L214.2 - Pain Medication Injections at Home
Lizabeth Light, BSN, RN, Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD
Your doctor or nurse will help you select the best size needle for your particular body build and type of injection. Subcutaneous injections are given at an angle; intramuscular ones are injected straight into the muscle. The three common places for intramuscular injections are - Upper outer portion of the buttocks, thigh, upper arm (Deltoid). Non-irritating medications should be given under the skin using the correct syringe. Practice your technique before you give yourself or someone else a shot.
First appeared 2008-06-26;
RC262.C36.R105.1 - Pain Control
Wendye Robbins, MD; Robert W. Allen, MD
Pain can have a terrible effect..It can lead to depression, loss of appetite, irritability, and withdrawal from social interaction, anger, loss of sleep and an inability to cope. If uncontrolled, pain can destroy relationships with loved ones and the will to live. Fortunately, pain can almost always be controlled.
First appeared 1999-05-01; updated 2007-07-12
RC262.C36.R105.2 - Pain and Pain Management
Wendye Robbins, MD, Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD, and Richard Shapiro, MD
Pain has been rated by some as the most common symptom in cancer survivors. Pain can be somatic (originating in tissue, skin, extremities, muscles, joints, bones, or organs), neuropathic (resulting from damage to or pressure on nerves), or a combination of the two. Good communication between patients and caregivers is essential to achieving optimal pain relief.
First appeared 2007-12-13; updated 2008-08-02

RC262.F3 Fatigue Issues
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RC262.F3.R39.1 - Fatigue Reduction and Management For The Primary Side-Effects Of Cancer Therapy
Ernest H Rosenbaum, MD; Barbara F. Piper, RN, OCN, DNSc.; Marilyn Dodd RN, PhD; Kathleen Dzubur, MS; Michael Glover, Pat Kramer, RN, MSN, AOCN; RoseAnn Kurshner, RN, BSN, MEd; Francine Manuel, RPT
Fatigue may be compounded by the exhaustion brought on by the very drugs and radiation treatments meant to cure cancer, including anemia, emotional stress, physical weakness, muscle deconditioning and fears
First appeared 1999-05-01; updated 2008-09-10
RC262.F3.R39.2 - Fatigue Diagram
Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD
Diagram showing supportive tips for fatigue
First appeared 1999-05-01; updated 2007-07-12
RC262.F3.R39.3 - Fatigue
Ernest H Rosenbaum, MD
Fatigue - being tired after resting or a good sleep - is common when a person has any type of chronic disease. Up to 90% of cancer survivors are affected, especially those under treatment. It affects quality of life, the ability to function, and the capacity to live a productive existence. It can be caused by emotional stress, anxiety, depression, pain, sleeping problems, hormonal problems, low thyroid, or anemia. An active program is needed to reduce fatigue.
First appeared 2007-12-14; updated 2008-08-02

RC262.P7 Psychosocial Support Issues
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RC262.P7.F81.1 - Cancer Support Ideas and Programs
Pat Fobair, LCSW, MPH, Marty Marder and Sheila Slattery
Many topics come up in support groups: like the impact of the diagnosis, one's sense of loss or grief, overwhelming emotional reactions, physical losses, communication problems, and the reactions of others
First appeared 2001-04-11; updated 2007-07-12
RC262.P7.F81.2 - Beliefs I Use To Help Me Feeling Right When Things go Wrong
Pat Fobair, LCSW, MPH
The possibility of loss of life and survival, leads to conflicts of beliefs, shock, feelings of isolation, fear, being out of control, sadness, fear, blame, denial, anger, and disappointment. Acknowledge emotional pain and move on to constructive thinking and problem solving.
First appeared 2010-03-08; updated 2010-03-24
RC262.P7.R39.1 - Regaining Control
Isadora R. Rosenbaum, MA and Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD
Cancer inevitably stirs strong feelings: fear, anger, sadness, among others. Seven fundamental issues need attention in the life of a cancer patient. You can regain control of your life by following some simple guidelines. In the process, you will not only strengthen your will to live, but increase your chances for improvement, remission, or cure.
First appeared 1999-05-01; updated 2012-08-19
RC262.P7.S28.1 - Cancer Psychosocial Support
David Spiegel, MD
Build bonds of social support, Express emotion, Detoxify fears of dying and death, Reorder life priorities, Fortify your family, Deal better with your doctors, Learn methods to control cancer-related symptoms, such as pain and anxiety. 3 keys to a good relationship with your physicians: communication, control and caring.
First appeared 1999-05-01; updated 2010-03-08

RC262.S25 Sexuality, Intimacy and Communications
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RC262.S25.B129.1 - Sexuality, Intimacy and Communication
Jean Bullard, RN, MS; David G. Bullard, PhD; Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD; Isadora R. Rosenbaum, MA
Sexuality can sometimes be affected by a serious illness, such as cancer, and by its treatment. By sexuality we mean the feelings we have about ourselves as sexual beings, the ways in which we choose to express these feelings with ourselves and others, and the physical capability each of us has to give and experience sexual pleasure.
First appeared 1999-05-01; updated 2007-07-12
RC262.S25.D182.1 - Changes in Sexuality and Sexual Problems
Christine M. Derzko, MD, David G. Bullard, PhD, and Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD
Sexuality is a legitimate area of concern, after your cancer has been diagnosed and treated. To resume or continue sexual activity and intimacy, communication with your partner is essential. Seek referral to a sexual counselor or support groups. Do not be shy. Ask your doctor any questions you have about your sexuality.
First appeared 2007-12-28; updated 2008-08-02
RC262.S25.R39.1 - An Assessment of Sexual Desire and Arousal Disorders in Women
Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD
Sex and desire are the need for emotional closeness. How to evaluate and strategize ways to improve sexual dysfunction. Guidelines have been set up for assessment and management of sexual dysfunction in women, which advocate attention to mental and overall health, interpersonal and personal psychology issues. They recommended local estrogen therapy for dyspareunia associated with vaginal atrophy.
First appeared 2007-05-20; updated 2007-07-12
RC262.S25.R39.2 - Sexuality - Cancer Survivors and Older Adults
Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD
Sexual dysfunction due to fatigue, psychological despair and distress in patients receiving cancer therapy needs assessment. Elder adults continue to have sex.
First appeared 2009-10-26;

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